What a fun quilt. I made this from men's denim shirtings and a denim duvet cover!
This should make a great stadium quilt for cold nights at the football/baseball games!
I quilted it in a freehand double/triple loop meander using Maxilock variegated thread on top and So Fine thread in the bobbin.
The Fifth Grade will get it real soon to start raffling to earn money for a field trip they are planning in May. I hope it raises lots of money for them.
I altered the pattern just a tad. Where the circles are...those were crosses in the original mystery pattern. The pattern was designed by Ann Smith of Quilt Talk, a yahoo group as a New Year's Eve Mystery. This is the fourth mystery of hers I have sewn. I meet with a friend every year for NYE, and we have a lot of fun sewing together.
This quilt is 80 x 92"...a nice size for a bed or just to toss in the vehicle for long trips.
The first you ask. Well, I haven't quilted a pantograph in a long time...and never Non Stitch Regulated..till now! I am pleased with the results of my efforts in non sr mode. For those who don't quilt...this won't mean much...but for those who do...this mode is generally scary as your stitches may not look uniform. I felt my quilting was smoother, faster and looked great considering the mode. I set the machine to 13 stitches and just went for it.
Great News for both!! Sven's hA1c is a 6.9. Still awesome control of his diabetes. His doctor wishes she could clone his attitude. She is very proud of him as are we! Cheryl's eyes checked out for her follow-up with the ophthalmologist. Her vision has returned to normal after the accident. The doctor said she had beautiful eyes...and she said she already knew that! We are breathing easier with this news. Now...for some quilty stuff. I was asked to piece a quilt for the 5th grade to raise money to help them go on an educational trip in May. The top is complete..and going on the frame tomorrow. Sorry, no pictures just yet. But soon...real soon! I used blue/white plaid shirtings, Kona Black and white with navy blue stars! Sounds interesting huh? The pattern is by Bonnie Hunter at Quiltville.com and is called Bricks and Stepping Stones. You can get the pattern here. Have a quilty kind of day...and remember, Our God is an awesome God!
It was the night of the 30th of December..and they were traveling home from Salt Lake City after a day of shopping. Bryson and the kids were involved in a vehicle accident when he hit a large rogue sheep with the front passenger tire. It lodged in the wheel well and caused him to lose control of our van and ultimately to overturn it in the desert. It was 30 degrees below zero and on a lonely highway. Fortunately, a car came upon them within minutes of the accident and the driver was able to assist. The kids all appeared to be okay upon initial inspection, except for Cheryl. She had been cut badly across her forehead and her eyebrow and her eye had swelled shut.
He managed to keep the family together and they all were transported to Salt Lake Children's Primary Hospital. The kids were all checked out and cleared of injuries requiring medical assistance. Obviously cut, bruised, scraped and emotionally upset...but okay none the less. Cheryl required 50 stitches down to the bone and the plastic surgeon did a great job repairing her eyebrow and forehead area. She was released on New Year's Day after extensive testing to her eye.
So far, her eye seems to be responding and healing well. A slight blurred vision still...but she is looking good!
Many Thank You's to Ron, the driver who stopped to assist, Scott, the paramedic who got the family to the hospital and the nursing staff and doctors at the hospital for taking care of our family.
I was away in New Orleans at the time of the accident. My Grandmother had passed away and I was at her funeral. I met up with Bryson and the kids a few days after the accident and boy, was I sure glad to be home. They were happy to see me too!
We all give God the glory and the thanks for the outcome of which could have been a tragedy for our family. God is good! He has a plan for my family and He had this accident as something that we must all go through. Praises to Him!